DeAnn Graham, known for her selflessness and big heart, has a passion for helping people take the necessary steps to live their best life and turning their pain into purpose! DeAnn, a native Californian, began giving back at a young age, her mother groomed her with “Service Learning” by serving her community through various activities from feeding the homeless to painting over graffiti. This fed her passion with serving her community as the years went by. DeAnn worked in Corporate America for over 15yrs and was privileged to serve in the philanthropic & advocacy field within Bank of America. She served in this field by trade beginning in 2008 and was afforded the opportunity to work with National Non-Profit Organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Wounded Warriors and Feed America. The impact these organizations have in the world is great, viewing with a different lens, it exposed the gap of services needed in minority communities.
This personally increased her desire to get knee deep in the non-profit sector and devise ways of getting more resources to the inner city. Having been groomed by a world-class Master Trainer, Kim Anthony of Urban Excellence Institute; along with the combined years of business acumen; DeAnn’s focus is on social innovation, non-profit management, and community-building.
She currently serves on the Board of Directors for WeServe Community Development Corporation, a thriving non-profit organization based in the State of Virginia. She, along with her husband, Renix Graham, is the Co-Founder of Will & Way Community Development Corporation. DeAnn is actively working towards obtaining a PhD in Counseling Psychology. This degree will bridge her gift and calling together by meeting the need of the individuals she serve through Will & Way CDC. DeAnn Graham imprint of compassion is felt in everyone she encounters.